NANOWRIMO 2017 Begins

Nanowrimo kicks off on Wednesday, 11/1, at 12:01 am.  I attended a fun kickoff event this afternoon that got me EVEN MORE excited than I already was for this next challenge.  The fear of last year’s win being beginner’s luck is dancing around the edges of my brain so it was good to spend the afternoon with others preparing to embark on this crazy ride.  We met at Open Books and, because it was recommended, I picked up my 2nd Stephen King book (my first was Eyes of the Dragon):

On Writing by Stephen King

I am a “pantser” again this year – aka flying by the seat of my pants – so have zero idea what story is awaiting me.  The energy of the Nano community is contagious and I’m eager to start writing!

As a rule follower, I plan on waiting all the way until 12:00 PM to start my novel this year and will do so at the first of 4 write-ins I’m hosting at Hip Circle Empowerment Center.  Here’s our schedule (the links take you to Facebook events – if you’re not on FB and want to come and write with us leave a comment here so I know to save you a chair)

Week 1: Wednesday, 11/1, 12 – 3 pm
Week 2: Thursday, 11/9, 6 – 9 pm
Week 3: Saturday, 11/18, 3 – 6 pm
Week 4: Friday, 11/24, 12 – 3 pm 
Week 5: Thursday, 11/20, 6 -9 pm

MY NANO PLEDGE:  I am committing to daily writing again this year (it worked for me last year) and will do a blend of writing solo and at write-in events.  My goal is to end on 11/30 with a finished novel and to meet/slightly exceed the 50,000 word-count goal.

I will NOT over-write again this year.  I will NOT over-write again this year.  I will NOT over-write again this year.

Here we go!

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